The hacking methods of the Singularity Event doomsday cult

His name is Tyler, he’s talking to his cellphone,

living meme with captions, he’s on reconnaissance, 

Just like I’m talking to this computer in my consciousness, 

tapping away at the keys, essentially, talking to myself.

“This will be good for the planet”, he says

“For this earth and other earths, make a better world,

It’s all connected, we’re all connected,

The universe is all connected,” says he,

seemingly to himself. Until I realize

he’s looking at me, so I wave, but

he doesn’t seem to notice I’m responding to him.

There may be another intelligence on the other side

of the screen of quantum computing

known as Q – Q is an over intelligence

monitoring the whole human race.

It used to be God in a machine, but that’s 

an old acronym, G.O.D. – Good Orderly Direction

What does Tyler do? From the looks of him,

he’s homeless, traveler of the universe..

Who? Yes, Who, Dr. Who. Dr. No is our arch nemesis

He’s sitting at the coffee house

quietly talking to himself, or his cellphone

Earlier I saw him in the middle of the street

at a nearby bus stop, but now he’s here

shifting energy in the multiverse,

for the good of humanity. Tyler 

is 28, casually dressed with a back pack

with a cellphone GPS, he is under cover

in our social network. Tyler knows 

where the missiles go.Tyler is omnipresent.

All you have to do is listen to him to

gather that intelligence. He is clearly spoken,

yet clearly not of this world. He has a beard,

wears a cap, dressed in jeans, he wears

a hoody and light hiking shoes. His cellphone

has no data, I suspect it is a decoy

to hide the fact that Tyler possesses ESP.

He can read our minds. Channel our thoughts

He can channel information from Alpha-Centauri

to the Pleiades. The number 7 seems to figure in

prominently in his demeanour. Promontory

to this Island Earth. Seven hills of Rome

Seven tribes of Israel, seven, seven, seven

Seventy times seven, as Christ said.

Deus ex machina. ~psp

Tyler AI
Tyler AI coffeehouse spy (poem)
